How to block messages from non friends on facebook

Are you getting messages from non – friends on Facebook inbox? Here is the trick to block messages from non – friends.

Facebook had option to block messages from non friends in past but now it dosent, saddly so you cant do anything better then moving unkonwn messages to other folder.

Step 1. Log in to Facebook and click on “Messages” link on the left side of the page just under “Favorites

Step 2.  Click on “Other” link near in box

Step 3.  Click on” Edit preferences”
Step 4: A new window named “Message Filtering Preferences” will be displayed.” Basic Filtering “option will be chosen by default. You need to change it to “Strict filtering” option and click on “SAVE” button. Now you will get messages only from your friends in inbox and other spam messages will be moved 
to Other folder.


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