Hide Last Seen Time in Whatsapp

Hide Last Seen time Using “Not Last Seen” App

You gonna love this! There is a simple app available called “Not Last Seen” to restrict WhatsApp to update the latest time on the screen. The app is not available in the Play store so you have to download the app from the link given in the article.
What it actually does it deactivate the data connections while you open the WhatsApp screen so that the servers won’t update with your latest check-in time.
  1. Download and install the Not Last Seen app from here (root not required).
  2. Open the app and enable ‘Block Last Seen!’
  3. Open the WhatsApp, now you will see the data connection went off automatically as soon as you open WA.
  4. Read and send the messages, then close the WA screen.
  5. Once you’re out of the WA screen, the data connection will enable automatically and will send the composed messages.
The app is easy to use and lifesaver for some people for sure.

How to Hide Last Seen time in WhatsApp Manually

You can also restrict WhatsApp to update the last seen time by doing some manual steps. What you need to do is disable the data network and WiFi before opening the WhatsApp screen.
  • Once the internet access is disconnected open the WhatsApp, then read and send messages.
  • Close the WA and enable the internet access. Once the internet connectivity is reestablished the app will synchronized with the servers and send your messages. But the servers won’t update with your last login time.
Hope it helped! Enjoy these methods to hide your login time to others until WhatApp officially adds an invisible option for the users.


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